Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Guest Post

I recently participated in a "Find your Tribe" blog workshop through a great site called The SITS girls. The site is a blog support site and helped me find my "Tribe"...which, not surprisingly, is Mother's of Children with Special Needs.  Go figure. :) In this workshop, I was joined with some other Moms that "get" what I'm going through. None of their situations are the same as mine, but many of the feelings we deal with day to day are relatable.  I was recently asked to write a guest post for one of the Moms I've connected with-Tara. Since the topic of Expectations has been on my mind, and is part of a small series of posts I am doing, I suggested that be the subject of my post.  Tara has a great site (Three P's in a Pod)- so check out my post and stay awhile at hers to read her story...

Tara has also been a guest poster on my site, which you can read here.
If you like our posts, give a shout out on the comments to show Tara some love.

1 comment:

P said...

" Nothing is guaranteed. All of my previous Expectations are a useless waste of time. I’m not perfect and it’s not as though I don’t sometimes start letting unrealistic expectations get the best of me, but what my youngest son is teaching me might be more than I ever get to teach him."

WOW! Perfect