Thursday, May 2, 2013

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

He doesn't *Think* he can. Walk, that is. Elijah has been on the verge of independent walking for quite some time, and as all of his therapists and I've suspected, it's a confidence issue. Today, he stood up in the middle of the room, picked up a basket and walked....probably because it felt like he was holding onto something that was stabilizing him.  Of course, I didn't catch THAT time on video. But, I did catch this little glimpse...

Now we just need to get him to think he can do it, without holding on. He's so close!! Come on baby boy:

I think I can, I think I can...just like the Little Engine Who Could, you can too!!


Becca said...

Oooooh, so exciting!!! Hooray!! Funny about the basket - Samantha held on to 2 little blocks (one in each hand) when she was first starting to walk, and I've heard similar from other people. It won't be long now!

Anonymous said...

This totally made me tear up! Yay Elijah!!!!


Unknown said...


So proud of Elijah!


Karen Snyder said...

Wow! I can't believe how big he's getting. So much change since I was there last. I'm definitely going to have to swing through when I'm back in the states. Miss you guys! give all your boys a hug from me, and let Elijah know I'm very proud of him.

P said...

My son loves to carry big bulky heavy objects since before he could walk too, go figure. A PT was assessing how much off the mark my typical daughters uncoordinated run was and had her hold something in each hand too. What is with that? An attention diversion. Was the basket half on the ground? If it was the.n seems like it was giving some tiny bit of support! Keep it around for assistance & confidence building and any other object that might bring this tiny but of support...a big book? Huge Mother's Day card

Jen Currier said...

It was really exciting! No, Pam, the basket was not touching the ground at all...and it is nearly as big as he is. I am completely on the same page: I'm trying to substitute other, less bulky items to see if he can gradually begin to feel more confident. So far, he's not buying it. LOL!