"Myth: People with Down syndrome are always happy.
Truth: People
with Down syndrome have feelings just like everyone else in the
population. They experience the full range of emotions. They respond to
positive expressions of friendship and they are hurt and upset by
inconsiderate behavior."
Here's the thing: I think that when people say that people with Ds are always happy, they don't literally mean ALWAYS. I think many people have positive experiences with people who have Down syndrome. I think stereotypes exist because there is some element of truth. I think that my son, Elijah's general demeanor is more "happy" than anything else. I'm not saying he doesn't cry or get upset or act stubborn or throw things or pull people's hair (mostly mine). He does all of those things. A LOT.
Call me crazy, but I refuse to get upset or feel like my child is being marginalized because people say he's...gasp...Happy.
We're a sensitive bunch, those of us who have a child with special needs. We need to advocate just a little harder, we need to toughen up just a little bit more, and we hurt when our children aren't seen for everything they are or when their "disabilities" are recognized first. However, there are a band wagon of parents who are so quick to respond to any kind of indication that people think their child with Ds might be especially happy. One example is from a blog that I LOVE. You can read the post I'm referring to here. The writer shares an experience from when she was pregnant with her first child. The baby had 3 "markers" in an ultrasound that were consistent with Down syndrome. She found herself kind of excited. Turns out, her baby was not born with Down syndrome and while she felt some relief that he wouldn't face those kinds of challenges, she was also disappointed. She was disappointed because her experiences with people, and children in particular, with Down syndrome had been so positive and life affirming. In the comments section of her post, many parents of children with Down syndrome were quick to jump at the chance to correct her, and say that (and I paraphrase) People with Ds are not always happy, they have a range of emotions, and to describe them as such is a burden that is unfair for them to carry. Are. you. kidding. me. ?????
I want to break down the barriers that say that my kid is limited. I want to break down the barriers that say that my kid is stupid. I want to break down the barriers that say that my kid is a drain on society. I want to break down the barriers that say that my kid is unworthy of life. THESE are the things that I think are both hurtful and untrue. I'm not going to waste any breath or time on destroying the myth that my kid is always happy. Because I think if you asked anyone who said this, they would clarify their statement to say that the statement "being happy all of the time", isn't meant to imply that this person doesn't experience a whole range of other emotions.
I don't get it. In this case, as a community, I think we could all take a collective breath on this one. Would it be offensive to say, "Comedians are always funny."? Are the comedians of the world going to come out en force to correct us that they have a full range of emotions and there are definitely times where they are not funny. Umm...don't think so.
I plan on advocating for my children whenever necessary. Maybe I do wear the proverbial "rose colored glasses" when it comes to people's intent with their words. It's possible. However, for now, I really don't care that people think my kid is happy.
I plan on advocating for my children whenever necessary. Maybe I do wear the proverbial "rose colored glasses" when it comes to people's intent with their words. It's possible. However, for now, I really don't care that people think my kid is happy.
And here he is...not specifically being "happy", but content none the less...